Index for first names beginning with j (Family Pages)
[John Lee , Zachman] - [Jonathan Allen , Serra]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [J. , Hayes] - [Jacqueline Rose , Pickett]
[Jacqueline S. , Miller] - [James Dwight , Lamb]
[James Dwight , Smith] - [Jane , ..........]
[Jane , ..........] - [Jared Boardman , Sperry]
[Jared Howard , Davenport] - [Jenneke (Jane) , Vernooy]
[Jennet (Jessie) , Stewart] - [Jessica Bennett , Keagle]
[Jessica Elizabeth , Gilwee] - [John , Bodley]
[John , Bodley] - [John Arnold , Grevillius]
[John Arnold (Jr.) , Grevillius] - [John Lee , Jacobson]
[John Lee , Zachman] - [Jonathan Allen , Serra]
[Jonathan Austin , BeVier] - [Josephine , Deyo]
[Josephine , Hasbrouck] - [Julia Louise , Connelly]
[Julia M. , .........] - [Justus , Knapp]
John Lee Zachman (b. --Not Shown--)
John Lewis Hartge (b. 14 APR 1913 - d. 7 SEP 1989)
John Lewis (Jr.) Hartge (b. --Not Shown--)
John Louis Parlato (b. --Not Shown--)
John Louis (Jr.) Parlato (b. --Not Shown--)
John Luff Bevier (b. 22 JUL 1878 - d. 12 JUN 1955)
John Luther Bevier (b. 19 OCT 1897 - d. 12 NOV 1970)
John M. Bevier (b. 5 FEB 1852 - d. 2 FEB 1915)
John M. Comfort (b. 1852)
John M. Newkirk (b. ABT OCT 1879)
John M. Pierson (b. ABT 1869)
John M. Ryan (b. ABT 1869 - d. 30 JUL 1935)
John Manuel Drennan
John Martin Marchev (b. --Not Shown--)
John Martin (Marty) Hoffman (b. 12 OCT 1967 - d. 26 MAR 1979)
John Marvin Beard Dr.
John Marvin Gates (b. 1898 - d. AFT 1945)
John Max Zemke Dr.(b. --Not Shown--)
John Michael Bailey (b. --Not Shown--)
John Michael Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
John Milton Sipma (b. --Not Shown--)
John Montgomery Keeler (b. --Not Shown--)
John Morris Bevier (b. 8 DEC 1833 - d. ABT 12 JAN 1922)
John N. Foertner (b. ABT 1840)
John N. LeFevre (b. 30 OCT 1785 - d. 27 MAY 1851)
John N. Pardee (b. ABT 1835)
John N. Pardee (b. ABT 1807)
John N. Vanderlyn
John Newcomb Cannon (b. --Not Shown--)
John Nicolas Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
John Orson Johnston
John Otto Fauerback
John Owen Bayles
John P. Herbert (b. 18 APR 1805 - d. 18 JUN 1886)
John P. Keator (b. 9 MAY 1778)
John P. Warren (b. MAY 1860 - d. JUL 1934)
John P. (Jr.) Warren (b. 7 APR 1911 - d. MAY 1965)
John Patrick Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
John Patrick Connelly (b. --Not Shown--)
John Patrick Connelly (b. --Not Shown--)
John Patrick Connelly
John Patrick Forbes (b. --Not Shown--)
John Patrick Giles (b. --Not Shown--)
John Patterson Bevier (b. 24 AUG 1860 - d. 25 FEB 1920)
John Patterson Bevier (b. 6 DEC 1875 - d. 1 SEP 1951)
John Patterson Hereford Snyder (b. 24 JAN 1895)
John Paul Andersen (b. --Not Shown--)
John Paul Boyak (b. 8 MAR 1982 - d. 8 MAR 1982)
John Paul Carman (b. --Not Shown--)
John Paul Dress (b. --Not Shown--)
John Pembroke Brinkerhoff (b. 18 JUN 1847 - d. 7 SEP 1848)
John Perrine Bevier (b. 21 MAY 1802)
John Petric Patrick
John Philip Arnold (b. --Not Shown--)
John Phillip Cole (b. --Not Shown--)
John Pierce Winfield (b. 28 OCT 1817)
John R. Bevier (b. 30 NOV 1768)
John R. Brasher (b. FEB 1865)
John R. Eckhart (b. --Not Shown--)
John R. Forbes
John R. Foutty
John R. Hinton (b. 15 JAN 1908 - d. 14 JUL 1976)
John R. Roberts Dr.
John R. Shainholtz
John R. Stearns
John R. Wainwright (d. BEF 1939)
John Randy Meridith (b. --Not Shown--)
John Raymond Seitz (b. --Not Shown--)
John Reid Crawford (b. 9 NOV 1884)
John Richard Guest (b. --Not Shown--)
John Richard Major
John Richard Tompkins (b. 1904)
John Richard (Jr.) Guest (b. --Not Shown--)
John Rigby Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
John Robert Wilson (b. --Not Shown--)
John Robertson Swift
John Roger Kilponen (b. --Not Shown--)
John S. Anthony
John S. Becker (b. ABT 1817)
John S. Carr (b. ABT 1838 - d. BEF 1867)
John S. Conklin (b. 4 OCT 1850 - d. 7 NOV 1913)
John S. Daniels (b. 1 FEB 1854 - d. 1925)
John S. DeWitt (b. --Not Shown--)
John S. Hudson
John S. Hudson (b. 11 MAR 1831 - d. 20 APR 1922)
John S. Jayne (b. JUL 1863)
John Samuel McKeighan (b. 26 MAR 1896)
John Scott Frederickson (b. --Not Shown--)
John Scott McDonald (b. --Not Shown--)
John Silvernail Sornberger (b. 6 AUG 1776 - d. 2 APR 1869)
John Simon Bevier (b. 19 JUN 1850 - d. 10 DEC 1908)
John Stanford Densmore (b. --Not Shown--)
John Steele (3rd) Clayton (b. --Not Shown--)
John Steele (4th) Clayton (b. --Not Shown--)
John Stevens Bevier (b. ABT 1870 - d. 11 NOV 1890)
John Stuart Jackson (b. 25 DEC 1870 - d. 5 JUN 1942)
John Stuart (Jr.) Jackson (b. 13 JUN 1905)
John T. DeWitt (b. ABT 1815 - d. 9 FEB 1894)
John T. Kirtland (b. --Not Shown--)
John T. North (b. --Not Shown--)
John T. Robbins (b. 8 DEC 1858)
John Thomas Hudson (b. --Not Shown--)
John V. Beime
John V. Varrick
John Vanderbilt McKinstry (b. 23 AUG 1819)
John VanDyke Ramsey (b. 1836)
John VanWagenen Bevier Dr.(b. 13 AUG 1821)
John Vernon Bevier (b. 28 MAR 1804 - d. 30 JAN 1886)
John W. DuBois (b. 21 OCT 1842)
John W. Edsall (b. ABT 1858 - d. ABT 1923)
John W. Franken (b. 1867)
John W. Gilkey (b. 4 JUL 1916 - d. 20 OCT 1981)
John W. Irsik (b. ABT 1903)
John W. Myers (b. ABT 1839)
John W. Thompson
John W. Wagner
John W. (3rd) Gilkey (b. --Not Shown--)
John Waldo Ames (b. --Not Shown--)
John Waldron Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
John Wallace (Jack) BeVier (b. 22 FEB 1877 - d. 5 JUL 1932)
John Walter Franken (b. --Not Shown--)
John Walter Lewis (b. --Not Shown--)
John Warren Walton (b. --Not Shown--)
John Wayne Kindig (b. --Not Shown--)
John Wells Bevier (b. 25 DEC 1874 - d. 15 DEC 1923)
John Wesley Curtis
John Wesley Harper (b. 23 OCT 1865)
John Westfall DeWitt (b. 2 NOV 1874 - d. 28 SEP 1982)
John White Walton (b. 27 SEP 1917 - d. 9 JUN 1985)
John William VanBuren (b. 1819)
John William Walton (b. --Not Shown--)
John William Wiegman (b. 1851)
John William (Jack) Hein Dr.(b. 29 SEP 1920 - d. 21 APR 2002)
John Winnfield Murphy (b. 24 NOV 1870 - d. 13 FEB 1945)
John Winston Elting (b. --Not Shown--)
John Wycliff Beach (b. --Not Shown--)
John Y. Bevier (b. 21 MAY 1812 - d. 25 FEB 1895)
John Yancey Recchia (b. JUL 1937 - d. DEC 1994)
John Z. MacDonald (b. 13 JUL 1860)
Johnny Turner
Johnson Bliss Harris (b. 14 MAY 1899 - d. 2 FEB 1965)
Johnson Little Harris (b. 27 JAN 1857)
Johnston Hasbrouck (b. 8 FEB 1854 - d. 20 JAN 1945)
Jolene Teresa Louder (b. --Not Shown--)
Jolinda Marian Clark (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon Adkins (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon Nutter
Jon Andrew Reid (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon Arnold Woldhuis (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon David Snyder (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon Douglas Rainforth
Jon E. Richards (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon Francis Bennett (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon Joseph Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon M. McGeachy (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon M. Wilkins (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon Paul Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon Paul Gardikis
Jon Paul (Jr.) Gardikis
Jon R. Pietrowski (b. --Not Shown--)
Jon Warren Grevillius (b. --Not Shown--)
Jonah Bevier (b. ABT 1838)
Jonas Bevier (b. 26 JUL 1758 - d. 4 OCT 1819)
Jonas Freer (b. 1701 - d. 12 APR 1775)
Jonas Freer (b. 14 MAY 1803)
Jonas Freer (b. FEB 1813 - d. 24 FEB 1897)
Jonas Hasbrouck (b. 20 JUN 1780)
Jonas Hoffman (b. 1808)
Jonas LeFevre (b. 4 AUG 1782)
Jonas Schoonmaker (b. 3 DEC 1797 - d. 19 JUL 1883)
Jonas Schoonmaker (b. 5 FEB 1802 - d. 5 JUN 1857)
Jonas Van Wagenen (b. 2 OCT 1802 - d. 14 JUN 1885)
Jonas (Jr.) Freer (b. 12 JUN 1737 - d. 18 FEB 1814)
Jonas H. Titus
Jonas N. LeFevre (b. 16 OCT 1792 - d. 18 OCT 1855)
Jonathan Alsdorf (b. 1824)
Jonathan Bevier (b. 20 JUL 1800 - d. 1829)
Jonathan Bevier (b. 15 AUG 1786 - d. 8 JAN 1848)
Jonathan Bevier (b. 27 MAY 1776)
Jonathan Bevier (b. 28 JAN 1752)
Jonathan Bruhn Dr.
Jonathan Deyo (b. 29 DEC 1745 - d. 8 MAR 1833)
Jonathan Deyo (b. 16 NOV 1863 - d. 4 NOV 1914)
Jonathan DuBois (b. 1810)
Jonathan DuBois
Jonathan DuBois (b. ABT 1847)
Jonathan Freer (b. 30 JUL 1786 - d. 3 JAN 1866)
Jonathan Gibbs (b. 29 APR 1811 - d. 16 SEP 1889)
Jonathan Hartman (b. 2 DEC 1845)
Jonathan Hasbrouck (b. 13 JUN 1827)
Jonathan Hoffman (b. 6 FEB 1788 - d. 20 SEP 1851)
Jonathan LeFevre (b. 3 DEC 1752)
Jonathan LeFevre (b. 18 FEB 1750/51)
Jonathan LeFevre (b. 18 FEB 1759 - d. BEF 1797)
Jonathan Rogers
Jonathan Vernooy (b. 1749)
Jonathan Westbrook
Jonathan Yerkes (b. 3 SEP 1782)
Jonathan Albert Yerkes (b. 5 APR 1853)
Jonathan Allen Serra (b. --Not Shown--)
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