Index for first names beginning with r (Family Pages)
[Royal T. , Bennett] - [Rylee Jean , Smith]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [R. E. , Purdy] - [Randi , Bevier]
[Randi Lynne , Bramer] - [Renee Lynn , Miller]
[Renee Marie , Bovier] - [Richard M. , Murray]
[Richard M. (Richie) , Bevier] - [Robert Ernest , Bevier]
[Robert Ernest , Osterhoudt] - [Roger Allen , Bevier]
[Roger Allen , Farmer] - [Royal D. , Sykes]
[Royal T. , Bennett] - [Rylee Jean , Smith]
Royal T. Bennett (b. 9 SEP 1810 - d. 4 AUG 1869)
Royden Trimmer
Rozilla Hasbrouck (b. 11 APR 1829)
Rozine Walters
Rubbie DeLoris Schmitt (b. 12 APR 1909 - d. OCT 1995)
Ruby Barnes (b. 8 MAR 1859)
Ruby Dick (b. 3 JUL 1897 - d. 22 OCT 1971)
Ruby Dolsky (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruby Jones
Ruby Robinson (b. ABT 1896)
Ruby Saunier
Ruby Cecelia Peterson (b. 7 JUL 1906 - d. 1 MAY 1999)
Ruby F. .......... (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruby Frances Kniffen (b. ABT 1880)
Ruby M. Neher (b. SEP 1881 - d. 1946)
Ruby Olive Scott
Ruby T. ......... (b. JAN 1875)
Rudolph Grevillius
Rudolph Plutchak (b. APR 1860 - d. BEF 1930)
Rudolph Toenniges (b. 2 DEC 1908 - d. 15 JUL 1990)
Rudolph (Rudy) Zachman (b. 22 JAN 1924 - d. 18 JUN 1958)
Rudolph J. Hein (b. ABT 1887)
Rufus Bevier (b. 28 MAR 1854 - d. 22 APR 1912)
Rufus DeWitt (b. ABT 1849)
Rufus McKain (b. APR 1877)
Rufus Fairchild Vernier (b. --Not Shown--)
Rufus Paul Stone (b. 26 FEB 1924 - d. 16 APR 1997)
Rusk Winnfield Murphy (b. 30 NOV 1905 - d. 4 DEC 1988)
Russell Bedford (b. 15 DEC 1877 - d. 4 DEC 1878)
Russell Carlton
Russell Joyce
Russell Lloyd
Russell Murrain (b. --Not Shown--)
Russell Northrup
Russell Prince (b. 1898 - d. 1958)
Russell Rose (d. JAN 1986)
Russell Sasse
Russell Simpkins
Russell Tribble
Russell Allen Henry (b. --Not Shown--)
Russell Barnes Bevier (b. ABT 1843)
Russell Belknap McCoy (b. 21 NOV 1871)
Russell D. W. Morrison (b. 22 SEP 1889)
Russell Dieter Bissinger (b. --Not Shown--)
Russell E. Oakley
Russell Edgar Holmes (b. 30 MAY 1859 - d. 9 MAY 1918)
Russell Foote Stryker
Russell Foote (3rd) Stryker (b. --Not Shown--)
Russell Foote (Jr.) Stryker (b. --Not Shown--)
Russell Humphrey Holmes (b. 1891)
Russell Humphrey Holmes (b. 8 JAN 1814 - d. 9 APR 1887)
Russell James Edwards (b. --Not Shown--)
Russell Leroy Hauver (b. --Not Shown--)
Russell Lowell Corliss (b. --Not Shown--)
Russell Rowe McCue (b. 31 JAN 1918 - d. 16 JAN 1988)
Russell S. Minger
Russell Sidney Parlato (b. --Not Shown--)
Russell T. Steinman (b. --Not Shown--)
Russie Gore
Ruth .........
Ruth .......... (b. ABT 1907)
Ruth .......... (b. ABT 1817)
Ruth ........... (b. ABT 1895)
Ruth ........... (b. ABT 1904)
Ruth ...........
Ruth ...........
Ruth ............
Ruth ............
Ruth ............
Ruth ............
Ruth Anderson
Ruth Bagley
Ruth Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Bovier (b. MAR 1897)
Ruth Brown
Ruth Callaman
Ruth Collins
Ruth Diehl
Ruth DuBois (b. 24 AUG 1841)
Ruth Fitzpatrick
Ruth Garoutte (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Giest
Ruth Hardesty (b. 14 APR 1915 - d. 3 AUG 1988)
Ruth Hicks
Ruth Huggett (b. ABT 1875)
Ruth Hunter (b. BEF 1821)
Ruth Johnson
Ruth Mauer
Ruth Miller
Ruth Orr (b. 1863)
Ruth Peck (b. ABT 1791)
Ruth Phiffeny (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Raising
Ruth Sale
Ruth Schooler
Ruth Show
Ruth Smith
Ruth Stump
Ruth Wadsworth (b. 22 JAN 1900)
Ruth (Ida) Andrews (b. 4 MAR 1904 - d. 23 JAN 1988)
Ruth (Lola) Pennie (b. 9 APR 1910 - d. 17 NOV 1969)
Ruth A. .......... (b. ABT 1867)
Ruth Alice BeVier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Alice Cox (b. 2 DEC 1894)
Ruth Ann Bevier (b. 18 MAR 1838 - d. 30 JAN 1900)
Ruth Ann BeVier (b. 24 JUN 1924 - d. 24 DEC 1996)
Ruth Ann BeVier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Ann Bovier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Ann Bovier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Ann Corliss (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Ann Grube (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Ann McAllister
Ruth Anna Huson (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Anne Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Arlene Magnussen (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Bevier Voorhees (b. 1909)
Ruth C. Harper (b. 12 JUL 1901 - d. 29 NOV 1970)
Ruth Clarrissa Exner (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth E. Berman (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Edna DuBois (b. 6 JAN 1896 - d. 4 OCT 1933)
Ruth Eileen Nichols (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Elaine Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Elaine Wells
Ruth Elizabeth Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Elizabeth Dreger (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Elizabeth Lee (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Elizabeth Urion (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Emma Bedford (b. 8 FEB 1905)
Ruth Evelyn Shockey (b. 30 SEP 1913 - d. 17 FEB 1993)
Ruth Fay Brown (b. 16 APR 1897)
Ruth H. Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth H. Connell (b. ABT 1898)
Ruth Ina Withrow (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Isabel Hasbrouck (b. 8 NOV 1904 - d. 27 NOV 1944)
Ruth J. Carter (b. 5 MAR 1903 - d. 6 JUN 1975)
Ruth L. Bedford (b. ABT 1903)
Ruth Lillian Decker (b. FEB 1910)
Ruth Lillian Vernon (b. 30 SEP 1887 - d. 19 MAY 1967)
Ruth Louise Carpenter (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Louise Turunen (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth M. ......... (b. ABT 1880)
Ruth M. ........... (b. ABT 1891)
Ruth M. Coulter (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Margaret Myers (b. 8 SEP 1918 - d. 17 JUL 1956)
Ruth Marie Watson (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Maurine Wolph (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Myrtle Osterhoudt (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Naomi Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Norene Warner (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Noyes Condit (b. 11 OCT 1888 - d. 8 OCT 1977)
Ruth Ora Lidtke (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Pauline Corliss (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Sharon Corliss (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Wilburta Reed (b. --Not Shown--)
Ruth Winifred Schagel (b. 1877 - d. 1922)
Ruth Zetta MacDonald (b. 20 JUN 1901 - d. DEC 1984)
Ruthann Chapman
Ruthie A. Seger (b. --Not Shown--)
Rutsen Hardenberg
Ryan Bouten
Ryan Merril (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Syverson (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Allen Utz (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Austin Masunas (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Brent Mowinski (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Bruce Tredinnick (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan C. Taylor (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan David Ehlert (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan David Puttbach (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Garth Sorenson (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan George Montgomery (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan James Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan James Dupuie (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan John Brumm
Ryan Joseph Bosca (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan K. E. Jones (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Matthew Ingram (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Michael Mix (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan PAtrick Kennedy (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Robert Bevier (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Ross Edwards (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Scott Barczak (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan Thomas Daigle (b. --Not Shown--)
Ryan William Galicic
Rylee Jean Smith (b. --Not Shown--)
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