Index for blank surnames or surnames starting with non-alphabetic character (Descendancy Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [(4th)Schoewe, William Henry ] - [........., Sarah ]
[........., Sheirla A. ] - [.........., Mary ]
[.........., Mary ] - [..........., Georgine ]
[..........., Geraldine ] - [..........., Theoma ]
[..........., Theresa ] - [[Cameron], Heather Rebecca Wiseman ]
..........., Geraldine , (Mix-...........)
..........., Geraldine , (Gemmer-...........)
..........., Gerry , (Norris-...........)
..........., Gertrude , (Bendex-...........)
..........., Gertrude , (Momb-...........)
..........., Gladys , (Cemer-...........)
..........., Greta E. (b. --Not Shown--) , (...........)
..........., Hannah , (Bailey-...........)
..........., Hannah (b. ABT 1821) , (Gardner-...........)
..........., Harriet (b. ABT 1822) , (Sprague-...........)
..........., Hazel L. (b. ABT 1897) , (Culver-...........)
..........., Helen , (Gramm-...........)
..........., Henrietta , (Lee-...........)
..........., Herminia , (Ehlert-...........)
..........., Irene , (Wunderlich-...........)
..........., Irene , (Lord-...........)
..........., Irene , (Wenzel-...........)
..........., Jane (b. NOV 1857) , (J.Wing-...........)
..........., Janet , (Dalton-...........)
..........., Janice , (Gilliam-...........)
..........., Jean , (Grams-...........)
..........., Jennie (b. ABT 1880) , (Kingsley-...........)
..........., Jenny , (Hill-...........)
..........., JoAnn , (Sanders-...........)
..........., Josephine , (Manwarren-...........)
..........., Julia (b. JAN 1864) , (...........)
..........., June , (Fastzkie-...........)
..........., Karen , (...........)
..........., Katherine , (Gueritey-...........)
..........., Katherine (b. ABT 1855) , (Sargeant-...........)
..........., Katherine , (Johnson-...........)
..........., Kathleen , (Hosler-...........)
..........., Kathy , (Carlisle-...........)
..........., Kathy , (Bouten-...........)
..........., Laura , (Knape-...........)
..........., Lea (b. ABT 1801) , (Ackerman-...........)
..........., Lilia , (Greene-...........)
..........., Lillian , (Benjamin-...........)
..........., Lillie A. (b. SEP 1873 - d. 9 JAN 1967) , (Sandford-...........)
..........., Livena , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Leonard) , (Hall) , (Payne-Adams) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Louw-DuBois) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
..........., Lois , (Vogler-...........)
..........., Loretta , (Mikes-...........)
..........., Louisa (b. ABT 1869) , (Franken-...........)
..........., Louisa (b. ABT 1823) , (Osbourne-...........)
..........., Louise , (Moore-...........)
..........., Lucille , (Pepperkorn-...........)
..........., Lucille , (VanEpps-...........)
..........., Lucretia (b. ABT 1839) , (Lincoln-...........)
..........., Lucy A. (b. ABT 1804) , (...........)
..........., Lydia , (Gramm-...........)
..........., Lydia , (Jessie-...........)
..........., M. S. (b. ABT 1828) , (Cooper-...........)
..........., Mabel , (Broad-...........)
..........., Mabel A. (b. ABT 1886) , (Walker-...........)
..........., Mable , (Guy-...........)
..........., Mae , (Dutcher-...........)
..........., Maggie A. (b. JUN 1855) , (Espy-...........)
..........., Margaret (b. ABT 1862) , (Lundy-...........)
..........., Margaret , (Cross-...........)
..........., Margaret (b. ABT 1851) , (Black-...........)
..........., Marge (b. APR 1862) , (Forrester-...........)
..........., Margy , (Fike-...........)
..........., Maria , (Deyo-...........)
..........., Maria (b. ABT 1797) , (Eckert-...........)
..........., Marie , (Day-...........)
..........., Marily , (Liedtke-...........)
..........., Martha , (Camp-...........)
..........., Mary (b. ABT 1772) , (...........)
..........., Mary , (Kelly-...........)
..........., Mary , (Esslinger-...........)
..........., Mary , (Everson-...........)
..........., Mary , (Scott-...........)
..........., Mary , (Sylvestre-...........)
..........., Mary (b. ABT 1826) , (Lillie-...........)
..........., Mary , (Fritts-...........)
..........., Mary (b. ABT 1883) , (Scott-...........)
..........., Mary , (Herbert-...........)
..........., Mary , (Eggleston-...........)
..........., Mary (b. 1804) , (Neher-...........)
..........., Mary A. , (Bange-...........)
..........., Mary E. (b. SEP 1825) , (...........)
..........., Mary E. (b. ABT 1850) , (Thompson-...........)
..........., Mary M. (b. ABT 1827) , (Cox-...........)
..........., Mary T. (b. ABT 1844) , (Ryan-...........)
..........., Matilda S. (b. ABT 1899) , (Schudel-...........)
..........., Matilda W. (b. ABT 1890) , (Trost-...........)
..........., Mattie , (Morgan-...........)
..........., Maude , (Brown-...........)
..........., May , (Walker-...........)
..........., Merrideth , (Gibbs-...........)
..........., Michelle , (Bramer-...........)
..........., Millie (b. ABT 1897) , (Rickard-...........)
..........., Mollie L. (b. ABT 1874) , (...........)
..........., Myrtle D. (b. ABT 1902) , (Merrills-...........)
..........., Nancy , (DeMaranville-...........)
..........., Nelda , (Sullivan-...........)
..........., Nellie , (VanOrden-...........)
..........., Nettie , (Hasart-...........)
..........., Ollie M. (b. AUG 1872) , (Williams-...........)
..........., Pearl , (Du Paul-...........)
..........., Phoebe , (Broas-...........)
..........., Phoebe E. (b. ABT 1855) , (Bates-...........)
..........., Phyllis , (Rawson-...........)
..........., Polly , (Dalrymple-...........)
..........., Prudence , (Bushnell-...........)
..........., Rachel (b. ABT 1810) , (Brown-...........)
..........., Rachel (b. ABT 1816) , (Van Ostrum-...........)
..........., Rebecca , (Hayes-...........)
..........., Rebecca , (...........)
..........., Regina , (Tietz-...........)
..........., Renette , (Chateaneuf-...........)
..........., Rochel , (Murningham-...........)
..........., Ronald , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Leonard) , (Hall) , (Payne-Adams) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Louw-DuBois) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
..........., Rose , (Hitchcock-...........)
..........., Rose Marie , (...........)
..........., Roxanna , (Brewster-...........)
..........., Ruth , (Gillis-...........)
..........., Ruth , (Schlagel-...........)
..........., Ruth (b. ABT 1895) , (Kirkpatrick-...........)
..........., Ruth (b. ABT 1904) , (Hagerman-...........)
..........., Sarah , (Peters-...........)
..........., Sarah (b. --Not Shown--) , (Warren-...........)
..........., Sarah (b. ABT 1847) , (Carney-...........)
..........., Sarah M. (b. ABT 1842) , (...........)
..........., Sherry , (Mahar-...........)
..........., Shirley , (Mangin-...........)
..........., Shirley , (Chappell-...........)
..........., Shirley , (Payne-...........)
..........., Stella , (Brumbaugh-...........)
..........., Susan (b. ABT 1814 - d. 26 FEB 1868) , (...........)
..........., Susan A. , (...........)
..........., Terry , (Browning-...........)
..........., Thelma , (Bunney-...........)
..........., Theoma , (Pope-...........)
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