Index for surnames beginning with h (Descendancy Pages)
[Hardter, Robert ] - [Hasbrouck, Catharine ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [H.Sitts, George ] - [Hardman, Ethel M. ]
[Hardy, Deborah ] - [Hasbrouck, Catharine ]
[Hasbrouck, Catharine ] - [Hasbrouck, Levi ]
[Hasbrouck, Lewis ] - [Hauver, David Burton ]
[Hauver, Donald ] - [Henry, Orrin ]
[Henry, Ralph Orin ] - [Hill, Larry ]
[Hill, Larry (Jr.) ] - [Holmes, Asa ]
[Holmes, Celia ] - [Howard, Audrey ]
[Howard, Beulah Mae ] - [Hulslander, Raymond Lee ]
[Hulslander, Samuel ] - [Hyatt, Clarence John (Jr.) ]
Hardy, Deborah , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Hoornbeck-Vernooy) , (VanWyck-Adriance) , (Bedford-Waldron) , (LeBlancq) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hardy, Ervin John , (Hardy)
Hardy, Mark Allen (b. --Not Shown--) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Hoornbeck-Vernooy) , (VanWyck-Adriance) , (Bedford-Waldron) , (LeBlancq) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hardy, Stephen Edward (b. --Not Shown--) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Hoornbeck-Vernooy) , (VanWyck-Adriance) , (Bedford-Waldron) , (LeBlancq) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hardy, Velma (b. --Not Shown--) , (Hardy-Day)
Harman, Gwendolyn , (Ball-Harman)
Harmon, Bonnie , (Fagan-Harmon)
Harmon, Charles H. (b. ABT 1882) , (Harmon)
Harmon, Ione , (Hastings-Harmon)
Harmon, Irene M. (b. --Not Shown--) , (Nelson-Harmon) , (Harmon-..........)
Harms, Dennis W. (b. --Not Shown--) , (Harms-Swain) , (Powers-Harms)
Harms, Jacy (b. --Not Shown--) , (Johnson-Harms)
Harms, William , (Harms)
Harner, Howard Amandus , (Harner)
Harner, Howard Amandus (3rd) (b. --Not Shown--) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (Elting-Elmendorf) , (Northrup-Pardee) , (Clyne-Schoonmaker) , (Voorhees-Slingland) , (Harner-O'Neill) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harner, Howard Amandus (Jr.) (b. --Not Shown--) , (Harner-O'Neill)
Harner, Janet Vorhees , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (Elting-Elmendorf) , (Northrup-Pardee) , (Clyne-Schoonmaker) , (Voorhees-Slingland) , (Harner-O'Neill) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harp, Audrey (b. --Not Shown--) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Vernooy-LeFevre) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Hereford-Newman) , (Harp-Wolf) , (LeBlancq) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harp, Benjamin H. (b. 12 NOV 1894 - d. 2 JUL 1974) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Vernooy-LeFevre) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Hereford-Newman) , (Harp-Wolf) , (LeBlancq) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harp, Cyrus D. (b. FEB 1858) , (Harp-Wolf)
Harp, Eleanor (b. --Not Shown--) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Vernooy-LeFevre) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Hereford-Newman) , (Harp-Wolf) , (LeBlancq) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harp, Joshua (b. ABT 1826) , (Harp)
Harp, Katherine Elizabeth (b. OCT 1893) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Vernooy-LeFevre) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Hereford-Newman) , (Harp-Wolf) , (LeBlancq) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harp, Sherman (b. --Not Shown--) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Vernooy-LeFevre) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Hereford-Newman) , (Harp-Wolf) , (LeBlancq) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harp, Vera (b. --Not Shown--) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Vernooy-LeFevre) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Hereford-Newman) , (Harp-Wolf) , (LeBlancq) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harper, Alexander Blaney (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hooper) , (Lucas-Roedding) , (Strahan-Muir) , (LeBlancq) , (Zemke-.........) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harper, Bradley David (b. --Not Shown--) , (Vernooy-Hoornbeck) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Harper-Krueger) , (Lusch-...........) , (LeBlancq) , (Clark-..........) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harper, David Victor (b. --Not Shown--) , (Vernooy-Hoornbeck) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Harper-Krueger) , (LeBlancq) , (Clark-..........) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harper, George , (Harper)
Harper, George Emerson (Jr.) (b. --Not Shown--) , (Harper-Krueger)
Harper, John Wesley (b. 23 OCT 1865) , (Harper)
Harper, Martha Ann (b. --Not Shown--) , (Vernooy-Hoornbeck) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Harper-Krueger) , (LeBlancq) , (Clark-..........) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harper, Nicholas Blaney (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hooper) , (Lucas-Roedding) , (Strahan-Muir) , (LeBlancq) , (Zemke-.........) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harper, Rachel Jean (b. --Not Shown--) , (Vernooy-Hoornbeck) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Harper-Krueger) , (LeBlancq) , (Clark-..........) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harper, Ruth C. (b. 12 JUL 1901 - d. 29 NOV 1970) , (Harper-Gorman)
Harper, Valerie Ann (b. --Not Shown--) , (Vernooy-Hoornbeck) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Harper-Krueger) , (Lusch-...........) , (LeBlancq) , (Clark-..........) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrington, .............. , (Shaw-Harrington)
Harrington, Catherine June (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hooper) , (Lucas-Roedding) , (Toth-Pelca) , (LeBlancq) , (Zemke-.........) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrington, Gertrude (b. 6 AUG 1927 - d. 28 JAN 2009) , (Harrington-Vail)
Harrington, James Taylor Dr.(b. ABT 1885) , (Harrington)
Harrington, Janice Elaine (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hooper) , (Lucas-Roedding) , (Toth-Pelca) , (LeBlancq) , (Zemke-.........) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrington, Julie Ann (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hooper) , (Lucas-Roedding) , (Toth-Pelca) , (LeBlancq) , (Zemke-.........) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrington, Michael Joseph (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hooper) , (Lucas-Roedding) , (Toth-Pelca) , (LeBlancq) , (Zemke-.........) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrington, Oscar L. (b. 1876 - d. 1955) , (Harrington)
Harrington, Sylvan (b. 1910) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Smit-Kermer) , (Van Wagenen-Louw) , (Stokerad-Freer) , (LeFevre-Ackerman) , (Harrington-LeFever) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (Auchmoody-DeGraff) , (York) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harris, Bradford Dean (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Jansen) , (VanOrman-Bevier) , (Elting-DuBois) , (Bradford-Fredenburgh) , (Deyo-Hayden) , (LeBlancq) , (Harris-Newton) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harris, Cicero , (Harris)
Harris, Donna Jean (b. --Not Shown--) , (Harris-Lowe)
Harris, Dorothy , (Buckingham-Harris)
Harris, George K. (b. 14 AUG 1886 - d. 15 NOV 1962) , (DeWitt-Newkirk) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (LeBlancq) , (Couch-Ladow) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harris, Guy Howard (b. --Not Shown--) , (Harris-Holsberry)
Harris, Holly Anne (b. --Not Shown--) , (Vernooy-Louw) , (Van Keuren-TenEcyk) , (DePuy-DeWitt) , (Roosa-Niewkirk) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (LeFevre-Elting) , (Elmendorf-Ostrander) , (Keyes-Leader) , (Harris-Holsberry) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Van Wagenen-Vernooy) , (Jansen-Cantine) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Wiese-..........)
Harris, James , (Harris)
Harris, Jeanette K. (b. --Not Shown--) , (DeWitt-Newkirk) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (LeBlancq) , (Couch-Ladow) , (Huckman-Hoffman) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harris, Johnson Bliss (b. 14 MAY 1899 - d. 2 FEB 1965) , (Harris-Newton)
Harris, Johnson Little (b. 27 JAN 1857) , (Harris)
Harris, Julie Lynn (b. --Not Shown--) , (Vernooy-Louw) , (Van Keuren-TenEcyk) , (DePuy-DeWitt) , (Roosa-Niewkirk) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (LeFevre-Elting) , (Elmendorf-Ostrander) , (Keyes-Leader) , (Harris-Holsberry) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Van Wagenen-Vernooy) , (Jansen-Cantine) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Wiese-..........)
Harris, Malachi Theodore (b. --Not Shown--) , (Harris)
Harris, Mary , (Ryan-Harris)
Harris, May Marie Morgan , (Urban-Harris)
Harris, Patricia Ann (b. 18 SEP 1930 - d. 11 AUG 1958) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Jansen) , (VanOrman-Bevier) , (Elting-DuBois) , (Bradford-Fredenburgh) , (Deyo-Hayden) , (LeBlancq) , (Harris-Newton) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harris, Richard Bruce (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Jansen) , (VanOrman-Bevier) , (Elting-DuBois) , (Bradford-Fredenburgh) , (Deyo-Hayden) , (LeBlancq) , (Harris-Newton) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harris, Robert J. (b. --Not Shown--) , (DeWitt-Newkirk) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (LeBlancq) , (Couch-Ladow) , (Huckman-Hoffman) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harris, Robin Leigh , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (LeFevre-Vernooy) , (Wolfe-Cotton) , (Curtiss-Vanderlip) , (Thompson-Tyler) , (Erving-Bodine) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harris, Sarah A. (b. AUG 1883) , (DeWitt-Newkirk) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (LeBlancq) , (Couch-Ladow) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harris, Susan Lynn (b. --Not Shown--) , (Harris-Bruaw)
Harris, William (b. ABT 1875) , (DeWitt-Newkirk) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (LeBlancq) , (Couch-Ladow) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harris, Winston Lyn (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Jansen) , (VanOrman-Bevier) , (Elting-DuBois) , (Bradford-Fredenburgh) , (Deyo-Hayden) , (LeBlancq) , (Harris-Newton) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrison, Andrew Wesley (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Kimmell-Smith) , (Sebring-Stutz) , (Good-Scott) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (Vershum-Ramsey) , (Harrison-Sayre) , (Shaver-Bodley) , (Bodley-DeWitt) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Vershum-Harrison)
Harrison, Ashlea Marie (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Kimmell-Smith) , (Sebring-Stutz) , (Good-Scott) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (Vershum-Ramsey) , (Harrison-Sayre) , (Shaver-Bodley) , (Bodley-DeWitt) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Vershum-Harrison)
Harrison, Benjamin (b. AUG 1865) , (Harrison)
Harrison, Delbert , (Harrison)
Harrison, Edith , (Axford-Harrison)
Harrison, Gertrude (b. 20 JUN 1898 - d. 23 FEB 1961) , (Harrison-..........)
Harrison, Glen Rock , (Harrison)
Harrison, Glenn R. , (Harrison)
Harrison, Kathryn Joan (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Ferguson-Cornell) , (Burke-Miller) , (Cook-Farrington) , (Harrison-Gamble) , (LeBlancq) , (DeWitt-Newkirk) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrison, Kenneth Clark (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Ferguson-Cornell) , (Burke-Miller) , (Cook-Farrington) , (Harrison-Gamble) , (LeBlancq) , (DeWitt-Newkirk) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrison, Marcia Lynn (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Ferguson-Cornell) , (Burke-Miller) , (Cook-Farrington) , (Harrison-Gamble) , (LeBlancq) , (DeWitt-Newkirk) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrison, Margaret , (Rausdell-Harrison)
Harrison, Mark Owen (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (Ferguson-Cornell) , (Burke-Miller) , (Cook-Farrington) , (Harrison-Gamble) , (LeBlancq) , (DeWitt-Newkirk) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrison, Mary Amanda (b. --Not Shown--) , (Harrison-Defendorf)
Harrison, Michael Wesley (b. --Not Shown--) , (Harrison-Sayre) , (Vershum-Harrison)
Harrison, Muffett , (Harrison)
Harrison, Ross O. (b. --Not Shown--) , (Harrison-Gamble)
Harrison, Walter , (Harrison)
Harrower, David (b. ABT 1827) , (Harrower)
Harrower, M. Jane (b. 1885) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Stryker-Giles) , (Harrower-.........) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Harrower, Samuel L. (b. ABT 1853 - d. 1900) , (Harrower-.........)
Harshe, Sarah Jane , (Harshe)
Hart, Catherine , (Allen-Hart)
Hart, Charles , (Hart)
Hart, Eddy Lee , (Rogers-Hart)
Hart, Lillie Mae (b. 31 AUG 1882 - d. 8 MAR 1980) , (Lepper-Hart)
Hart, Phebe , (Ingersoll-Hart)
Hart, Sydney Clifford , (Hart-White)
Hartge, Augustus , (Hartge)
Hartge, Carol Waneda (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Morehead-Hartley) , (Purdy-Guenther) , (Hartge-Tahaney) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Champion-Diehl) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartge, Donald Franklin (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Morehead-Hartley) , (Purdy-Guenther) , (Hartge-Tahaney) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Champion-Diehl) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartge, Francis Dean (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Morehead-Hartley) , (Purdy-Guenther) , (Hartge-Tahaney) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Champion-Diehl) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartge, Harold Leroy (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Morehead-Hartley) , (Purdy-Guenther) , (Hartge-Tahaney) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Champion-Diehl) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartge, John Lewis (b. 14 APR 1913 - d. 7 SEP 1989) , (Hartge-Tahaney)
Hartge, John Lewis (Jr.) (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Morehead-Hartley) , (Purdy-Guenther) , (Hartge-Tahaney) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Champion-Diehl) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartge, Lawrence Clifford (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Morehead-Hartley) , (Purdy-Guenther) , (Hartge-Tahaney) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Champion-Diehl) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartge, Patricia Ann (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Morehead-Hartley) , (Purdy-Guenther) , (Hartge-Tahaney) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Champion-Diehl) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartge, Paul Curtis (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Morehead-Hartley) , (Purdy-Guenther) , (Hartge-Tahaney) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Champion-Diehl) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartge, Pauline Frances (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Morehead-Hartley) , (Purdy-Guenther) , (Hartge-Tahaney) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Champion-Diehl) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartge, Richard E. (b. 19 MAR 1932 - d. 11 JAN 2000) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Sax-Reurig) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Auchmoody-Deyo) , (Morehead-Hartley) , (Purdy-Guenther) , (Hartge-Tahaney) , (Jansen\Johnson-Hood) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Champion-Diehl) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartley, Rebecca , (Morehead-Hartley)
Hartline, .......... , (Hartline)
Hartman, Edna M. (b. 13 JAN 1872) , (Hartman-Heller)
Hartman, Jeffrey Thomas (b. 14 AUG 1958 - d. 17 DEC 1997) , (Hartman) , (Rivers-Hartman)
Hartman, Jessica Althea (b. --Not Shown--) , (la Montagne-de Hooges) , (Ostrander-Petty) , (Rivers-Osterhoudt) , (Hartman-Rivers) , (Adner-Fleming) , (DePuy) , (Hoffman-Delange) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Rivers-Hartman)
Hartman, Jonathan (b. 2 DEC 1845) , (Hartman)
Hartong, David Dennis (b. --Not Shown--) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (DuBois-LeFevre) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Beers-.........) , (Henry-McGowan) , (Brumbaugh-Earp) , (Conklin-Chambers) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Brumbaugh-Hartong)
Hartong, Dennis Dean (b. --Not Shown--) , (Brumbaugh-Hartong)
Hartong, Matthew Ray (b. --Not Shown--) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (DuBois-LeFevre) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Beers-.........) , (Henry-McGowan) , (Brumbaugh-Earp) , (Conklin-Chambers) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Brumbaugh-Hartong)
Hartong, Paul William (b. --Not Shown--) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (DuBois-LeFevre) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Beers-.........) , (Henry-McGowan) , (Brumbaugh-Earp) , (Conklin-Chambers) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Brumbaugh-Hartong)
Hartong, Sarah Elizabeth (b. --Not Shown--) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (DuBois-LeFevre) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Vernooy-VanDercuyl) , (Beers-.........) , (Henry-McGowan) , (Brumbaugh-Earp) , (Conklin-Chambers) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Brumbaugh-Hartong)
Hartwell, Andrew Bevier (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Coleman-Russell) , (Hartwell-...........) , (LeBlancq) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Host-............) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartwell, Joseph , (Hartwell)
Hartwell, Matthew (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Coleman-Russell) , (Hartwell-...........) , (LeBlancq) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Host-............) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hartwell, Ted Lawrence (b. --Not Shown--) , (Hartwell-...........)
Harvey, Nonie Estella (b. 1879 - d. 1965) , (Ritter-Harvey)
Hasart, Jake , (Hasart)
Hasart, Virginia Opal (b. --Not Shown--) , (Hasart-...........)
Hasbrouck, Abigail Ann (b. 17 NOV 1829) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Abigail Jane (b. ABT 1849) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Viele-Palmatier) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Abner (b. 14 OCT 1844) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Burhans-Deyo) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Abner (b. 28 MAY 1811) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Decker-Smedes) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Abraham (b. 1707) , (Hasbrouck)
Hasbrouck, Abraham (b. 11 JAN 1789 - d. 27 DEC 1816) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Van Wagenen) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Abraham (b. ABT 1852) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (LeBlancq) , (Jansen-Slecht) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Abraham Bevier (b. 1 JUN 1809 - d. 20 MAY 1891) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Viele-Palmatier) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Abraham E. (b. 1795 - d. 1827) , (Hasbrouck)
Hasbrouck, Abraham Elting (b. 7 JUL 1832 - d. 22 FEB 1910) , (Hasbrouck-Elting)
Hasbrouck, Abraham Joseph (b. 16 OCT 1773 - d. 12 JAN 1845) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Agnes (b. 27 JUN 1824) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Albina (b. 20 NOV 1812 - d. 17 MAY 1902) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (LeBlancq) , (DuBois-Brodhead) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Alexander (b. 12 OCT 1809) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Van Wagenen) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Swart-Burhans) , (LeFever-Swart) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Alexander McKee (b. 11 FEB 1823 - d. 25 JUL 1910) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Van Wagenen) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Brown) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Alfred (b. 17 JUL 1820 - d. 9 MAY 1903) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Decker-Smedes) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Alice (b. 17 MAY 1856) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Decker-Smedes) , (Manning-Martin) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Alton J. (b. --Not Shown--) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hasbrouck-Snyder) , (LeBlancq) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Christiana-...........) , (Hadley-Elmendorf) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Alvah Deyo (b. 13 FEB 1869) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (LeFevre-Blanchan) , (DeWitt-Vernooy) , (Deyo-Woolsey) , (Hasbrouck-Elting) , (LeBlancq) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Amelia (b. 1852) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Viele-Palmatier) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Amelia (b. ABT 1852) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Viele-Palmatier) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Amelia , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Van Wagenen) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Deyo-Blanshan) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Amy Elizabeth (b. --Not Shown--) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (DeWitt-Radcliff) , (VanValen-Hasbrouck) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (DuBois-Freer) , (Stimpson-Tozier) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Andrew (b. 3 OCT 1869) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Viele-Palmatier) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Ann (b. 18 SEP 1822 - d. 3 JUN 1840) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (DeWitt-Radcliff) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Ann (b. 8 OCT 1855) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (DeWitt-Radcliff) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Lefever-Hornbeck) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Anna (b. 17 NOV 1871) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hasbrouck-Snyder) , (LeBlancq) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Christiana-...........) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Anna (b. 9 MAY 1818) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Van Wagenen) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Swart-Burhans) , (LeFever-Swart) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Anna M. (b. 25 OCT 1808 - d. 22 APR 1884) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Van Wagenen) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Brown) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Anne , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (DeWitt-Radcliff) , (VanValen-Hasbrouck) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (DuBois-Freer) , (Stimpson-Tozier) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Anne (b. 1888) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hasbrouck-Snyder) , (LeBlancq) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Benjamin-Griffin) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Anne Bevier (b. 11 MAR 1827 - d. 13 APR 1906) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (DeWitt-Radcliff) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Decker-Smedes) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Antje (b. 25 MAR 1798) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Arthur (b. 5 MAR 1896 - d. APR 1972) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hasbrouck-Snyder) , (LeBlancq) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Christiana-...........) , (Wager) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Asenath (b. 28 MAY 1817 - d. 23 JAN 1875) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (LeBlancq) , (DuBois-Brodhead) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Athalina (b. ABT 1847) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Viele-Palmatier) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Augustus (b. 2 MAY 1837) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Benjamin (b. 3 JUN 1745 - d. ABT 1811) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo)
Hasbrouck, Benjamin (b. 10 JUL 1820) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Benjamin (b. 17 MAY 1719 - d. 14 OCT) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Benjamin (b. 1841 - d. 1842) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hasbrouck-Snyder) , (LeBlancq) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Benjamin (b. 8 APR 1834 - d. 5 FEB 1835) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Freer-Van Weyen) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (Freer-Terpenning) , (York) , (York) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Benjamin B. (b. 18 JUL 1830) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Viele-Palmatier) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Benjamin Peter (b. 4 OCT 1814) , (Hasbrouck-Snyder)
Hasbrouck, Bevier , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Hoogteeling) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (DeWitt-Radcliff) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (Banks-Graham) , (Decker-Smedes) , (Miller-Douw) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Calvin (b. 16 OCT 1819 - d. 4 SEP 1897) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Caroline , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (DuBois-Gumaer) , (Hasbrouck-Bruyn) , (DeWitt-Radcliff) , (VanValen-Hasbrouck) , (LeBlancq) , (LeBlancq) , (DuBois-Freer) , (Stimpson-Tozier) , (Bevier-Boutemy) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Caroline (b. 11 OCT 1822) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Catharine (b. 21 MAR 1821) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Catharine (b. 26 APR 1792 - d. 22 JUN 1829) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Abeel-Hasbrouck) , (LeBlancq) , (Bruyn-Schoonmaker) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Catharine (b. 11 DEC 1793) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Van Wagenen) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Elting-DuBois) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
Hasbrouck, Catharine (b. 13 JUN 1818) , (Blanchan-Van Schoonhoven) , (Hasbrouck-Deyo) , (Elting-DuBois) , (LeBlancq) , (Viele-Palmatier) , (Bevier-Boutemy)
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