Index for surnames beginning with d (Pedigree Pages)
[Dwelley, Lucas ] - [Dzura, Helen ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [D'Aquino, Joanne Frances ] - [Dealing, Samuel ]
[Dean, Esther L. ] - [Dennis, Megan Renee ]
[Dennis, Michael ] - [Devoe, Denise Barbara ]
[Devoe, Donald Baldwin ] - [Deyo, Cornelia ]
[Deyo, Cornelia DuBois ] - [Dooley, Dean ]
[Dooley, Edward ] - [DuBois, Estelle Bevier ]
[DuBois, Esther (Hester) ] - [Dwelley, George ]
[Dwelley, Lucas ] - [Dzura, Helen ]
Dwelley, Lucas (b. ABT 1892)
Dwight, Mary
Dwyer, Marilyn
Dyer, Florence Helen
Dygert, Abraham
Dygert, Julia Melissa (b. 28 MAR 1859 - d. 30 JAN 1959)
Dysmuk, Dorothy
Dyson, Grace
Dzanbazoff, Peter Antanas (b. 29 AUG 1880 - d. 15 APR 1958)
Dzanbazoff, Thomas (b. 1850)
Dzura, Helen
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