Genealogy Data Page 259 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bosch, Mary (b. 27 APR 1940, d. SEP 1982)
Reference: 5515
Boerckel, Winfield A. (b. , d. ?)Reference: 5516
Brown, Rachel (b. 24 NOV 1909, d. 6 DEC 1996)Reference: 5518
Bayles, Howard Bevier (b. 30 SEP 1940, d. SEP 1969)Reference: 5519
Speers, Henry A. O. (b. 29 JUL 1874, d. 18 APR 1957)Reference: 5523
Speers, Catherine Anne (b. , d. ?)Reference: 5524
Speers, Gettie Madeline LeFevre (b. , d. ?)Reference: 5525
Hawke, Gertrude (b. 13 AUG 1877, d. 12 DEC 1960)Reference: 5527
McBride, Harry Ernest (b. 23 APR 1902, d. 21 NOV 1990)Note: He left high school to join the US Navy in 1919. He worked for, and retired from, the railroad in 1967. He owned a machine shop in Garden Plain, Illinois.
Reference: 5528
McBride, Merlin (b. 6 JAN 1904, d. ?)Reference: 5529
VanWinkle, Howard Elmendorf (b. 5 JAN 1886, d. 19 OCT 1951)Reference: 5530
VanWinkle, Edward (b. , d. ?)Reference: 5531
Cantine, Matilda (b. , d. ?)Reference: 5532
VanWinkle, Elizabeth (Betty) (b. 11 SEP 1923, d. 27 JUN 2004)Note: She did not marry.
Reference: 5533
Baird, Jean Leak (b. 4 FEB 1924, d. 15 DEC 1956)Note: She was the widow of Albert Emerick Youngren Baird.
Reference: 5535
Feist, Eleanor (b. , d. ?)Reference: 5536
Wiese, George David (b. 21 FEB 1886, d. 16 AUG 1952)Reference: 5539
Lathrop, Frank Heidtman (b. 31 JUL 1891, d. 8 MAY 1982)Reference: 5541
Stell, Marie Jackson (b. 14 JUL 1913, d. 1 FEB 1988)Note: She worked for many years as a cook and custodian in the Pleasantville, PA school system.
Reference: 5543
Simpson, Marjorie DuMont (b. 21 JAN 1897, d. AUG 1981)Reference: 5547
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