Genealogy Data Page 323 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Richards, Aaron (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 7626
Catlin, Lillian Callin or (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7627
Jacob, Clarence LaVerne (b. 15 APR 1917, d. 16 AUG 2002)Note: He served in the US Navy.
Reference: 7629
Jacob, Earl (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7630
Nick, Esther (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7631
Baswell, Lawrence Ross (b. 7 NOV 1917, d. 23 FEB 1975)Reference: 7635
Baswell, Ross (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7636
Jones, Ruby (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7637
Scholz, Henry Emil (Jr.) (b. 12 APR 1933, d. 24 AUG 1984)Reference: 7641
Campbell, Theodore Carmen (b. 30 JUL 1893, d. ?)Reference: 7644
Cottrell, Warren Eugene (b. 24 MAR 1884, d. 14 MAR 1955)Note: He was a Lt. in WW 1. They resided in Metuchen, New Jersey.
Reference: 7648
Cottrell, Cecil (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7649
Seifert, Sarah (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7650
Rollhaus, Edward (b. 26 OCT 1896, d. ?)Reference: 7652
Campbell, Edgar (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7656
............, Ruth (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7657
Unkown, (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7666
Unkown, Cameron (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7667
Unkown, Kevin (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7668
Unkown, Brace (b. , d. ?)Reference: 7669
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