Genealogy Data Page 384 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Preston, J. Clifford (b. 19 JAN 1902, d. 7 DEC 1984)
Reference: 10545
Schiefer, Emery (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10548
Karg, Tillie (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10549
Eckstein, Milton Ross (b. 14 MAR 1931, d. 5 MAY 1990)Reference: 10550
Eckstein, Emery (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10551
Magers, Ethel (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10552
Glauer, Florence Letitia (b. 18 MAY 1922, d. 22 SEP 2008)Note: At the time of her marriage, her occupation was listed as welder. She was an avid bowler, square dancer, and playing cards.
Reference: 10558
Glauer, John J. (b. ABT 1889, d. ?)Reference: 10559
Morkel, Lulah F. (b. ABT 1893, d. ?)Reference: 10560
Horner, Thomas Ladow (b. 2 APR 1914, d. 30 MAY 1994)Reference: 10564
Horner, LaDow (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10565
Fisher, Agnes (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10566
Davis, Joseph (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10569
Fairchild, Isabelle (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10570
Kime, Elbert Harris (b. 4 OCT 1915, d. 12 JUN 1977)Note: He was the owner of the Wellington Lumber Company. Elbert was a Naval Veteran of WW 2.
Reference: 10574
Bryan, Richard John (b. 10 SEP 1933, d. 21 JUN 2005)Note: He was the Police Chief of Massillon, Ohio, now retired.
Reference: 10576
Waldecker, William (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10580
Mika, Tillie (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10581
Boehm, Harvey (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10584
Moran, Joan (b. , d. ?)Reference: 10585
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