Genealogy Data Page 441 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Lockhart, Donna (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 13810
Glover, William Cain (b. 4 DEC 1916, d. 5 MAR 1998)Reference: 13819
Baxter, Mary Ruth (b. 24 NOV 1914, d. 26 NOV 1997)Reference: 13820
Gibbs, Arditha (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13833
..........., Merrideth (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13834
Jones, Edward (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13844
Grant, June (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13845
May, Clarence (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13850
Arnold, Nadine (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13851
Honeycutt, Levi (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13862
King, Iva (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13863
Bare, Gilbert (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13866
Kincaid, Theda (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13867
Ganke, Dean (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13870
Burke, John Francis (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13874
Meridith, John (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13878
Murphree, Sara (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13879
Hogness, Thomas (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13884
Hoakinson, Helga (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13885
Weir, Charles (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13888
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