Genealogy Data Page 443 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Rinseing, Clarice (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 13959
Hoffman, Joseph (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13964
Spitzley, Marjorie (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13965
Kowaik, Clayton (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13971
Michaud, ............ (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13987
Thomason, Eugene (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13994
Lunsford, Millie (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13995
Davis, Gene (b. , d. ?)Reference: 13999
Elliott, Joyce (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14000
Woodman, Robert (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14004
Burns, Mary (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14005
Wells, Garland (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14007
VanPatten, Connie (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14008
Statt, Becki (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14012
Boudreau, Raymond (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14018
Powers, Jeanne (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14019
Janetzke, Daniel (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14023
McCulloch, Mary (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14024
Stringer, Charles (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14030
Snyder, Juanita (b. , d. ?)Reference: 14031
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