Genealogy Data Page 486 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Lundy, Floyd (b. ABT 1867, d. ?)
Reference: 15332
..........., Margaret (b. ABT 1862, d. ?)Reference: 15333
Smedes, David (b. 24 MAR 1776, d. ?)Reference: 15334
Smedes, Blandina (b. 1798, d. ?)Reference: 15335
Smedes, Selsamus (b. 1800, d. ?)Reference: 15336
Haines, George (b. 3 MAR 1773, d. ?)Reference: 15337
Haines, Catharina (b. 1799, d. ?)Reference: 15338
Haines, Leentie (b. 1800, d. ?)Reference: 15339
Hoffman, Isaac (b. 1782, d. ?)Reference: 15340
Hoffman, Cornelia (b. 1808, d. ?)Reference: 15341
Hoffman, Luther (b. 1811, d. ?)Reference: 15342
Hoffman, Maria (b. 1814, d. ?)Reference: 15343
Hoffman, Calvin (b. 1817, d. 1891)Reference: 15344
DuBois, John (Jr.) (b. , d. ?)Reference: 15345
DuBois, Hiram (b. 1809, d. ?)Reference: 15346
DuBois, Lena Hoffman (b. 1812, d. ?)Reference: 15347
Bevier, Charles Dexter (b. 20 MAR 1862, d. 24 AUG 1932)Note: He worked for Hutchinson Manufacturing Company in Jackson, Michigan in 1890. In 1900 & 1920 he lived in Broome County, Windsor Twp., New York. He was listed as a railroad track man in 1920.
Reference: 15348
Bevier, Jennie Hester (b. 21 NOV 1864, d. 2 JUN 1936)Reference: 15349
Lee, Gertrude B. (b. ABT 1898, d. ?)Reference: 15350
Dent, John (b. , d. ?)Reference: 15351
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