Genealogy Data Page 519 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
LeFevre, Mary Catherine (b. 2 AUG 1826, d. 2 JUN 1846)
Note: She never married.
Reference: 16153
LeFevre, Caroline (Carrie) (b. 1850, d. ?)Reference: 16154
LeFevre, Emily (Emma) (b. 1854, d. ?)Reference: 16155
LeFevre, Margaret (b. 1852, d. ?)Reference: 16156
Rosenkrans, Jane (b. , d. ?)Reference: 16157
Eckert, Steven (b. BET 1771 AND 1778, d. ?)Reference: 16158
Hoffman, Eliza Jane (b. 1806, d. ?)Reference: 16159
Hoffman, Jonas (b. 1808, d. ?)Reference: 16160
Hoffman, Jacobus (b. 1810, d. ?)Reference: 16161
Hoffman, Sally Maria (b. 1811, d. ?)Reference: 16162
Hoffman, Magdalena (b. 1814, d. ?)Reference: 16163
Hoffman, Catherine (b. 1816, d. ?)Reference: 16164
Hoffman, Catherine Ann (b. 1817, d. ?)Reference: 16165
Hoffman, Jacobus (b. 1752, d. ?)Reference: 16166
Haynes, Rebecca (b. , d. ?)Reference: 16167
Easley, Elizabeth (b. 1827, d. 1906)Reference: 16168
Hasbrouck, Edgar (b. 7 APR 1883, d. ?)Reference: 16169
Hasbrouck, Edna (b. 22 MAR 1885, d. ?)Note: She was an alumnus of Vassar College.
Reference: 16170
Hasbrouck, Clara (b. 1888, d. ?)Reference: 16171
Hasbrouck, Clara (b. 12 MAY 1889, d. ?)Reference: 16172
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