Genealogy Data Page 553 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Portugal, Henry Anthony (b. , d. ?)
Reference: 16885
Cochrane, George Augustus (b. , d. ?)Reference: 16886
Brinkerhoff, Ella Louise (b. 1839, d. ?)Reference: 16887
Conklin, John (b. 1770, d. ?)Reference: 16888
Chambers, Mary (b. 1774, d. ?)Reference: 16889
........., Louisa (b. ABT 1807, d. ?)Reference: 16890
........., Katharine (b. JAN 1849, d. ?)Reference: 16891
DePuy, Moses John (b. 1766, d. ?)Reference: 16892
DeWitt, Maria (b. , d. ?)Reference: 16893
Schoonmaker, Elizabeth A. (b. 26 AUG 1831, d. ?)Reference: 16894
Schoonmaker, George (b. , d. ?)Reference: 16895
........., Sarah (b. , d. ?)Reference: 16896
DePuy, DeWitt C. (b. 14 DEC 1852, d. ?)Reference: 16897
DePuy, Mary C. (b. 6 DEC 1856, d. 29 AUG 1877)Reference: 16898
DePuy, John C. (b. 7 MAY 1874, d. ?)Reference: 16899
Hornbeck, Lodiwyck (b. , d. ?)Reference: 16900
Schoonmaker, Rachel (b. 1890, d. ?)Reference: 16901
Hornbeck, Lodiwyck (b. ABT 1859, d. ?)Reference: 16902
Hornbeck, Elizabeth L. (b. ABT 1862, d. ?)Reference: 16903
Hornbeck, Marion (b. ABT 1866, d. ?)Reference: 16904
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