Genealogy Data Page 554 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
DePuy, Jason James (b. 1848, d. ?)
Note: When he was twelve years of age, his parent's family lived in Marbletown, Ulster County, New York. The post office district serving them was High Falls.
Reference: 16905
Shurter, Sarah E. (b. 1850, d. ?)Reference: 16906
DePuy, Anna Bevier (b. 25 AUG 1849, d. ?)Reference: 16907
DePuy, John Krom (b. 12 SEP 1847, d. ?)Reference: 16908
Krom, Solomon Amos (b. 1785, d. ?)Reference: 16909
Graham, Maria (b. 1785, d. ?)Reference: 16910
Downend, John (b. , d. ?)Reference: 16911
Hewitt, Sarah (b. 1776, d. ?)Reference: 16912
Parsell, Mary L. (b. ABT 1849, d. ?)Reference: 16913
Parsell, Lewis B. Dr. (b. APR 1853, d. ?)Note: In 1880, he lived at home and his occupation was school teacher.
By 1900, he was listed as a physician and resided in Bergen County, New Jersey.
Reference: 16914
Parsell, George (b. NOV 1853, d. ?)Reference: 16915
Parsell, Ella (b. ABT 1857, d. ?)Reference: 16916
Parsell, Henry D. (b. ABT 1862, d. ?)Note: He was listed as a school teacher in the census of 1880 and he lived at home.
Reference: 16917
Brownell, Gilbert (b. 1770, d. ?)Reference: 16918
Grinnell, Amy Tillinghast (b. ABT 1771, d. ?)Reference: 16919
Brownell, Caroline A. (b. 14 FEB 1846, d. 28 APR 1869)Reference: 16920
Brownell, William F. (b. 22 AUG 1848, d. 13 NOV 1870)Reference: 16921
Millar, Mary M. (b. ABT 1844, d. ?)Reference: 16922
Bush, Abram (b. ABT 1824, d. ?)Reference: 16923
........., Henrietta R. (b. ABT 1828, d. ?)Reference: 16924
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