Genealogy Data Page 560 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Murrain, Hazel (b. DEC 1899, d. ?)
Reference: 17037
Kelsey, Mary (b. ABT 1856, d. ?)Reference: 17038
Kelsey, William A. (b. ABT 1858, d. ?)Reference: 17039
Pardee, Francis E. (b. ABT 1833, d. ?)Reference: 17040
Coe, Alexander (b. 1771, d. ?)Reference: 17041
DuBois, Elizabeth (b. 1782, d. ?)Reference: 17042
Eberstein, Theo Emma (b. 4 JUL 1894, d. ?)Reference: 17043
..........., Arvilia (b. 1878, d. BEF 1900)Reference: 17044
........., Arnelis? (b. ABT 1878, d. ?)Reference: 17045
McKain, Celia (b. ABT 1903, d. ?)Reference: 17046
........., Elizabeth (b. ABT 1820, d. ?)Reference: 17047
DeWitt, Thomas (b. ABT 1841, d. ?)Reference: 17048
DeWitt, Alfred (b. ABT 1843, d. ?)Reference: 17049
DeWitt, John (b. ABT 1844, d. ?)Reference: 17050
DeWitt, Louisa (b. ABT 1844, d. ?)Reference: 17051
DeWitt, Rufus (b. ABT 1849, d. ?)Reference: 17052
DeWitt, Frank (b. ABT 1854, d. ?)Reference: 17053
DeWitt, Nancy (b. ABT 1857, d. ?)Reference: 17054
DeWitt, Charles (b. ABT 1859, d. ?)Reference: 17055
DeWitt, Ellsworth (b. DEC 1869, d. ?)Reference: 17056
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