Genealogy Data Page 638 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Hasbrouck, Peter (b. 18 OCT 1863, d. ?)
Reference: 19126
Hasbrouck, George (b. 28 JUL 1865, d. ?)Reference: 19127
Hasbrouck, Solomon B. (b. 4 MAY 1869, d. ?)Reference: 19128
Burhans, Daniel (b. 17 FEB 1795, d. ?)Reference: 19129
Deyo, Margaret (b. 21 SEP 1799, d. ?)Reference: 19130
Hasbrouck, Abner (b. 14 OCT 1844, d. ?)Reference: 19131
Hasbrouck, Jane (b. 12 JUL 1846, d. ?)Reference: 19132
Hasbrouck, Charles (b. 17 JUL 1848, d. ?)Reference: 19133
Hasbrouck, Huyler (b. 4 MAY 1867, d. ?)Reference: 19134
Hasbrouck, Lydia M. (b. 1 OCT 1854, d. ?)Reference: 19135
Hasbrouck, Henrietta (b. 30 DEC 1859, d. ?)Reference: 19136
Hasbrouck, Elizabeth B. (b. 28 FEB 1861, d. ?)Reference: 19137
Hasbrouck, Leah (b. 1838, d. ?)Reference: 19138
.........., Priscilla (b. 1822, d. ?)Reference: 19139
Hasbrouck, Ophelia (b. ABT 1844, d. ?)Reference: 19140
Hasbrouck, Athalina (b. ABT 1847, d. ?)Reference: 19141
Stratton, James N. (b. ABT 1847, d. 1891)Reference: 19142
Stratton, Levi L. (b. 1816, d. ?)Reference: 19143
Bowers, Eunice Lord (b. 1825, d. ?)Reference: 19144
Stratton, Georgianna (b. 1870, d. ?)Reference: 19145
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