Genealogy Data Page 679 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Moss, Sarah (b. , d. 1983)
Reference: 20157
Mead, James H. (Jr.) (b. , d. ?)Reference: 20159
Mead, Ralph (b. ABT 1889, d. ?)Reference: 20160
.........., Rose E. (b. ABT 1890, d. ?)Reference: 20161
Lombardy, ........... (b. , d. ?)Reference: 20164
Bond, George W. (b. ABT 1824, d. ?)Reference: 20170
.........., Hannah (b. ABT 1823, d. ?)Reference: 20171
.........., Ethel (b. ABT 1897, d. ?)Reference: 20172
Vernooy, Abram R. (b. ABT 1836, d. ?)Note: In 1860, he was a school teacher.
Reference: 20176
Vernooy, James Bruyn (b. ABT 1840, d. ?)Note: In 1860, he was a clerk.
Reference: 20177
.........., Lucinda (b. ABT 1844, d. ?)Reference: 20178
Vernooy, Benjamin R. (b. ABT 1874, d. ?)Reference: 20179
Smith, Richard J. (b. , d. ?)Reference: 20180
Smith, Paul T. (b. ABT 1871, d. ?)Reference: 20181
Shepard, Bertha E. (b. ABT 1878, d. ?)Reference: 20182
Smith, Frank C. (b. ABT 1873, d. ?)Reference: 20183
Smith, Frances (b. 1901, d. ?)Reference: 20184
Smith, Richard Shepard (b. 1906, d. 1982)Reference: 20185
Huff, Florence Ethel (b. 1905, d. 2001)Reference: 20186
Rowley, William (b. , d. ?)Reference: 20187
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