Genealogy Data Page 700 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
DuBois, Solomon C. (b. ABT 1849, d. ?)
Reference: 20699
Schoonmaker, Selah (b. 15 JUL 1797, d. 6 DEC 1858)Reference: 20700
Powles, Catherine (b. 12 NOV 1806, d. 21 SEP 1877)Reference: 20701
Schoonmaker, Mary (b. 15 JUL 1850, d. 18 JUL 1901)Reference: 20702
Schoonmaker, Selah (b. 7 APR 1854, d. 13 FEB 1939)Reference: 20703
LeFevre, Magdalena (b. 11 MAR 1861, d. 12 MAY 1929)Reference: 20704
Schoonmaker, Catherine Jane (b. 26 APR 1858, d. 5 FEB 1916)Reference: 20705
LeFevre, James E. (b. 1865, d. ?)Reference: 20706
Hallings, Matthew (b. ABT 1876, d. ?)Reference: 20707
.........., Jennie (b. ABT 1877, d. ?)Reference: 20708
Denee, Margaret (b. 10 APR 1827, d. ?)Reference: 20709
Rizor, Grace Gretchen Clara Helena (b. 9 MAR 1891, d. 2 JUN 1970)Reference: 20710
Rizor, John Caldwell Calhoun (b. MAY 1859, d. ?)Reference: 20711
Horner, Ida Mae (b. ABT 1860, d. ?)Reference: 20712
Daniels, Helen May (b. 2 APR 1912, d. 30 DEC 1980)Reference: 20713
Pennington, George (b. , d. ?)Reference: 20714
Daniels, Phillip Carlton (b. 17 SEP 1917, d. 6 OCT 1967)Reference: 20715
Daniels, Robert James (b. 7 MAR 1920, d. 11 APR 1988)Reference: 20717
Daniels, Beatrice (b. 15 DEC 1921, d. 4 DEC 1994)Reference: 20719
Greenwood, Howard (b. , d. ?)Reference: 20720
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