Genealogy Data Page 716 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Ferris, Aleta (b. 16 APR 1792, d. ?)
Reference: 21130
Phillips, Paul A. Dr. (b. , d. ?)Reference: 21131
Murphy, John Winnfield (b. 24 NOV 1870, d. 13 FEB 1945)Reference: 21132
Collins, Christine (b. 10 JUN 1872, d. 22 MAR 1955)Reference: 21133
.........., Amelia G. (b. ABT 1892, d. ?)Reference: 21134
.........., Kathryn N. (b. ABT 1890, d. ?)Note: In the census of 1920, her name was spelled Kathryn N. ...... In the census of 1930, her name was spelled Catherine M. .........
Reference: 21135
Nelson, ........... (b. , d. ?)Reference: 21139
Kendall, William Sandford (b. 1856, d. 1941)Reference: 21140
Dillion, Celinda (b. 1863, d. 1898)Reference: 21141
Smith, Catrina (b. 25 NOV 1789, d. 26 APR 1847)Reference: 21142
Fredenburgh, Selina (b. 1815, d. BEF 1900)Source: (Death)
Titel: Huguenot Historical Society Archives
Reference: 21143
Schoonmaker, Mary (b. 1836, d. 1870)Reference: 21144
Schoonmaker, Catharine Jane (b. 1 MAR 1839, d. 1 MAY 1922)Reference: 21145
Auchmoody, Samuel LeFevre (b. 24 MAY 1834, d. 6 DEC 1892)Reference: 21146
Auchmoody, David (b. 1805, d. 1854)Reference: 21147
LeFevre, Jane (b. 1809, d. 1881)Reference: 21148
Ray, O'Dell Vernon (b. 11 AUG 1906, d. 10 OCT 1977)Reference: 21149
Hulsey, Emma Josephine (b. 1906, d. 30 NOV 1981)Reference: 21150
DuBois, Samuel P. (b. 10 NOV 1817, d. 3 AUG 1859)Reference: 21151
Stoke, Sarah (b. 1815, d. 1875)Reference: 21152
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