Genealogy Data Page 193 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Brown, Mary Elizabeth (b. 13 APR 1852, d. 23 APR 1905)
Reference: 3971
Brown, Robert (b. , d. ?)Reference: 3972
............, Elizabeth (b. , d. ?)Reference: 3973
Hall, Franklin (b. 1874, d. 1874)Reference: 3974
Hall, Robert Jay (b. 25 MAR 1876, d. 24 MAR 1897)Reference: 3975
Hall, Gertrude Elizabeth (b. 27 SEP 1882, d. 14 JAN 1956)Note: Mathias and Gertrude were divorced Apr 20, 1908.
Reference: 3976
Keller, Margaret (b. 4 APR 1842, d. 3 JUL 1902)Reference: 3977
Decker, Mary (b. ABT 1873, d. ?)Reference: 3978
Decker, Edith Maude (b. ABT 1876, d. ?)Reference: 3979
Decker, Dora A. (b. 23 SEP 1878, d. 18 FEB 1962)Reference: 3980
Decker, Myrtle Iva (b. 24 MAY 1881, d. 8 JUL 1960)Reference: 3981
Decker, Agnes (b. , d. ?)Reference: 3982
Adams, May (b. AUG 1874, d. 12 JAN 1942)Note: Her given name may have been spelled Mae as it was recorded in the census of 1930.
Reference: 3983
Bevier, Phoebe E. (b. 28 APR 1901, d. 3 MAY 1902)Reference: 3984
Bevier, Maud A. (b. 25 SEP 1903, d. 24 APR 1915)Reference: 3985
Bevier, Harold James (b. 30 OCT 1908, d. 20 DEC 1978)Note: He worked for New York Telephone for 47 years. He lived in Syracuse, New York, Ward 11 in 1930. He was listed as a splicer with the telephone company. His last mailing address was Brewerton, NY.
Reference: 3986
Potter, Marion Patrice (b. 17 MAR 1911, d. 20 APR 2004)Reference: 3987
Coffman, Lena Vandoran (b. 7 OCT 1872, d. 11 MAY 1955)Note: She was listed as head of household in census of 1930 and owned a home worth $18,500. This was a very expensive house in 1930!
Reference: 3988
Coffman, Lancaster (b. , d. ?)Reference: 3989
Horton, Mariette (b. , d. ?)Reference: 3990
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